Autistic teen shows off impressive dance moves to customers

Teenager Sam has become an internet sensation after his spirit and incredible dance moves have dubbed him the ‘dancing barista’ of Starbucks, in North America, reports the Daily Mail

Sam, who has autism, also experiences a movement disorder, where he finds it hard to keep his body still. He always thought his disability would hold him back getting a job, however manager Chris gave him the chance he always wanted by getting Sam to channel his movements into dance.

Carly Fleischmann, who posted the video online and also dedicates her life tackling the misconceptions of autism, explained that when Sam was offered a position at Starbucks he told his parents that for the first time in his life he felt like he had real meaning.

Carly urged people on the Facebook post to be more open-minded about the condition saying:

More people like Sam need to be seen, heard and given a chance to thrive and dance. Please show your support by sharing and re-posting…

Since appearing online, Sam and Chris have received so many positive responses.

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